
Causes We Support

Around the Black Hills

Sacred Mountain Retreat Center Artemis House Chutes for Charity
Matthews Opera House
Black Hills State Univ.:
 - International Student
 - Student Volunteer Awards
 - Lakota Omniciye
Junior Achievement of SD
Parents Who Care (Belle  Fourche)
Spearfish High School:
 - Post Prom
 - We The People
 - Fine Arts Boosters
Lead-Deadwood Post Prom Committee
Northern Hills SOS Kenadi Jean Weis Foundation United Way of the Black Hills
Special Olympics S. Dakota Rotary Park - Spearfish Salvation Army
Good Shepherd Clinic Spread the Tunes High Plains Western Heritage Center


Ongoing: Eradicating polio from the world as part of Rotary International
Madagascar: With the Rotary Club of Antananarivo Maroloko we are supporting hygiene and education at public primary school EPP Antanetibe Ilafy
Haiti: Club members traveled to Haiti, contributed funds and time to assist in the building of a garden to grow food crops for Grace Mission
Hope Haven International: We coordinate wheelchair drives to supply mobility to needy people around the world