Spearfish Community Foundation AED Unit Community Project
Spearfish Community Foundation Presentation Title: SCF’s AED Unit Community Project
The Spearfish Community Foundation (SCF) was formed in 1998 to foster local philanthropy and invest in a wide range of local community charitable- purpose programs/projects. As a local endowment, SCF functions a
Spearfish Community Saving Account (CSA) to promote social and economic well-being and enhance the quality of life for Spearfish community. SCF is 1 of 83 local branches/community savings accounts across South Dakota under South Dakota Community Foundation.
Spearfish Community Foundation’s grant program is made possible by generous donors who are passionate about
Spearfish and have contributed area-of-interest gifts which allows SCF to respond to community needs, changing opportunities and challenges. Including Phase 1 of the AED Unit Community Project, SCF has invested over $650,000 since 1998. SCF is managed by local volunteers who ensure charitable funds are invested back into the Spearfish community, not only for today, but for future generations.
Spearfish Foundation Board Members
• Sue Konstant, President
• Liz Manning, Past President
• Stephen Reichert, Vice President
• Melissa Barnett, Secretary & Marketing Coordinator
• Kari Engen, Grant Coordinator
• Dave Donat
• Kirk Easton
• Angie Leonard
• Letti Lister
• Ida Marie Snorteland
SCF awards grants to high-impact community betterment programs/projects that focus on, but not limited to:
• Health
• Senior Citizens
• Recreation
• Public Safety
• Arts & Culture
In 2022, SCF introduced the Impacting Tomorrow Together initiative. SCF’s 2nd project under our new Impacting Tomorrow Together initiative is titled –SCF’s AED Unit Community Project.
SCF’s AED Unit Community Project Purpose/Objectives:
• Save lives:
o to address a public health need by strategically installing 10 easily accessible, 24/7, public, secured and
monitored AED units throughout Spearfish over the next 18 months as Phase 1 of the project.
o to provide 5 Portable AED Units that will be housed at the Spearfish Rec & Aquatics Center. These
portable AED units will then be checked out by community event planners for special community events.
City personnel at the Rec Center will manage this check out process.
Impacting Tomorrow Together
P.O. Box 1184
Spearfish, SD. 57783
The Spearfish Area Community Foundation is managed by local volunteers who believe in building
long-term assets for the community, and giving grants to nonprofits who are making Spearfish a
better place to live, work, and play.
o to close the time gap for the critical minutes between the time a person experiences a Sudden Cardiac
Arrest (SCA) and when our dedicated first responders arrive.
• Impact Tomorrow Together:
o to enhance our sense of community by elevating community partnerships.
o to develop ancillary public health programs.
o to promote philanthropy. The AED Unit Community Project is the type of a high-impact community
project that people who are passionate about Spearfish can support---not only for today but for future
Sue Konstant is the current president for the 11 member SCF Board of Directors. She has served on the SCF Board for the past 8 years and has held numerous local, state-wide, regional, and international leadership positions. Sue is recently retired.